Käma-sütra (the science of sensual gratification) that is the principle of acquisition of trivarga
such as dharma (Ethical behaviour), artha ( Acquisition of valuable things) and käma (Sense
gratification) was compiled between 1st - 6th A.D. by Vätsyäyana, a great sage. Man as well as
woman has the unavoidable responsibility to maintain the satisfaction of mundane life. People
will instinctively try to obtain sensual gratification through food and sex. In this stage the woman
has invaluable role that will ultimately lead to the transcendental level of complete freedom and
unconditional happiness. All damsels should learn art of sex with 64 arts and other scriptures in
order to develop skills that will help to bring prosperity to their home as well as get independent
income in case of widowhood or financial difficulties of the husband or his family. Wife has
different roles such as mother, sister, friend, chief organizer, monitor and psychologist of the
house. Woman has been given due right to stand against injustice. She has command in home.
Wife is the accountable character who should maintain the harmony and peace and responsible to
retain husband form unconventional behavior. Six kinds of lady teachers who are major in
related fields guide damsels. Although people believe that the profession of the gaëikä is ignoble,
according to the käma-sütra woman who engage in this profession has been honored even by the
kings, wise and ministers. Princes, Princesses and daughters of ministers have learnt under the
supervision of those respected and well versed women. They provide services as musicians,
artists and dancers.