‘Sabaragamuwa Dola Upatha’ which is cited as an inspiring dramatic shanthikarma has been
conducted in the Sabaramuwa Province of Sri Lanka for centuries. This provides counseling
and awareness on issues and complications related to Sexual Education and pregnancy.
Therefore, a valuable question arises is whether the society is aware about this Shanthikarma?
Is this important to modern society? If so why is this so important? Therefore, this research
attempts to provide an in-depth analysis of this cultural event that could make an impact to
reduce mother and baby mortality ratio and raise sexual and academic education in society.
According to the World Bank report 2014 and the UNDP report, Sri Lankan mortality ratio is
high. Sexual education is not given due emphasis in the National curriculum of Sri Lanka.
Though this Shanthikarma is limited only to the Sabaragamuwa Province, it is essential to
expand it to all communities. The objectives of this research are to find how important the
Sabaragamu Dola Upatha is to the present society to reduce the questions on sexual
education. To achieve these objectives, primary data will be collected through questionnaires
and secondary data will be collected through books, newspapers, Publications and ancient
writings. Two hundred (200) questionnaires will be given randomly to selected groups like
aged group interviews where live in Sabaragmu Province, professionals, students, husbands
and youth. Outcome of this research will ensure the importance to expand this dramatic dance
in island wide and make awareness among all. Counseling through a dramatic dance would
be a better way to cogent and convince on sexual education simply through a Charmer.