At present the Ayurvedic Medicine has become a globally reputed medical method and thus
the teachings on Ayurvedic medicine, their utilization and market for Ayurvedic medicine
became more popular around the world. In this context the role of the ayurvedic doctors and
by that the efficiency is of higher importance since their performance directly impacts on the
effectiveness of ayurvedic medicine. So increasing the doctors job satisfaction would lead to
improve the effectiveness of service and contribute to enhance the effectiveness of entire
ayurvedic system of medicine. The objective of this study was to identify the influential
factors for the job satisfaction of the ayurvedic doctors. The study has utilized primary data
and a sample of 138 ayurvedic doctors has chosen in accordance the Morgan approach of
sample selection from Uwa and Southern provinces through the purposive sampling
technique, using already developed self-administered questionnaire.Multiple Regression
Model has been utilized as the main data analyzing technique. The survey results revealed
that the independence in work, relationship with the coworkers, job role and the social
recognition as factors for the job satisfaction. All of the above factors are positively
influential and the social recognition has identified as the most critical predictor. Implications
of the findings and recommendations are offered.