Introduction: People abuse substances such as drugs, alcohol, and tobacco reason of various
determinants and drug abuse is one of the prominent problems that affect the country in many
aspects including social, economic, education and health. According to the Sri Lankan
context, National Dangerous Drug Control Board (NDDCB) engages in compilation and
implementation of the national policy regarding drug abuse and related areas. In addition to
the rehabilitation camps set up by the NDDCB, about 15 Non Government Organizations are
also operating their own camps under the NDDCB for rehabilitating drug addicts. According
to the NDDCB 45,000 Sri Lankans were drug addicts.NDDCB has facilities to treat only
1,000 of drug users annually, while the NGOs also treat 2,000 drug addicts annually.
However, relapses are common in the case of drug addiction and 40 per cent of the people
who are rehabilitated tend to use drugs again.
Objectives:To explore factors effecting, increase the relapse rate among drug users in Sri
Methods:Study design was a qualitative design. Experts in treatment fieldfor drugs users
were study subjects andthey were selected based on purposive sampling method. Six group
discussions and twelve in-depth interviews were conducted to data collect. Based on the
study objective, at the beginning personal factors were explored. After that, social factors
were explored. Saturation method was the guiding method and data was analyzed through
thematic analyzing method.
Results: The study found that, drug users‘ escape from the treatment process effect of these
underlines factors.
Misleading situations of treatment institutions; different agendas of drug users while
treatment process; dramatically descending of external motivation for quitting drugs;
unsuccessful process of internal change in quitting drugs; poor change in attractive image;
values and attachment to tobacco, alcohol and drugs; organizational gaps of treatment
procedures; promoting family environment.
Conclusion: Rehabilitation mechanism should be strengthened with more collaborative
inputs and need a special rehabilitation mechanism which address above determinant factors.