Most of the modern financial companies offer loans to customers in order to build up their own
business. Such companies have a major problem when they recover the loan as the customers do not
pay the installments according to the signed contract. It is crucial to determine/create the appropriate
strategies and to identify the risk free customers as there is high potential of non-performing loans. In
order to predict the risk factors that affect to non-performing loan, Data Mining techniques were
considered. This research discovered the factors/reasons for non-performing loan using the data from
a reputed Finance Company.
This research focused on eighteen attributes which were referred to as factors affecting a nonperforming
loan state and the dataset contained with 30% of test data and 70% of training data from
750 records. Among those attributes eleven key attributes namely: Age, Area, Branch Name,
Customer Job, Income, Loan State, Mortgage, Number of Terms, Overdue days, Product Type and
Interest Rate were selected to create the data mining models. The considered mining models were
namely: Neural Networks (NN), Decision Trees (DT) and Clustering (CL). These models were
created using the Business Intelligence tool and the database was created in SQL Server Management
Studio 2008R2.
The predicted probabilities (as a percentage) of Neural Networks, Decision Trees and Clustering
models were 1.57%, 0.44% and 10.46% for non-performing loan state respectively. As the Clustering
Model had the highest value it was chosen as the best algorithm to evaluate loan state by using
Microsoft clustering method. The Clustering model was given ten clusters numbered from 1 to 10 and
five clusters namely: 3, 6, 8, 9 and 10 were identified as the most inclined towards the non-performing
loan state by comparative analysis. The predicted probabilities of selected clusters were 23%, 41%,
32%, 23% and 35% respectively and cluster number 6 showed a highest value and cluster number 10
showed the next highest value. Based on cluster performance, numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 had a high
probability of becoming performing loan and thus were not included in the analysis. According to the
states of attributes within each cluster profiles Product Type, Customer Job, Mortgage, Income,
Number of Terms and Interest Rate were identified and shortlisted as the factors affecting the nonperforming
loan state most.
The research identified that if the customer is self-employed or individual, a small property owner, or
having a low income and depending on the type of mortgage (building, vehicle or non-mortgage) the
loan tend to be non-performing. The longer duration for loan repayment or higher interest rates will
also cause a loan to be non-performing. According to the above results it can be concluded that the
high interest loans provided for the unemployed customers or customers with low income have a
higher potential to be non-performing and hence resulting in a monetary loss for the financial
company. Therefore a financial company will be able to improve its profits if they are more concerned
about such customers and undertake suitable decisions. The model will support the financial sector in
identifying the amount of loans that could be transformed into the non-performing state. Therefore the
findings of this research will benefit the financial industry to reduce the risk of granting loans when
providing loans in future.