Political security is one of the significant elements in the context of national security which
linked to all the components of a nation state. Political security of a country is about the
stability of social order. In post war period, Sri Lanka is going through certain threats which
can affect the political security of the country. Accordingly, the main objective of the study
is‖ to identify the global threats to the political security of Sri Lanka in post war period‖. The
methodology that has applied for the study is qualitative in nature while using both primary
and secondary data. To gather primary data, purposively selected sample of 150 people
(20%) has been used only in the fields of military, academic, government and other
professionals. As per the study, the identified global threats to the political security of Sri
Lanka are Human rights violation and war crimes issue, Anti-Sri Lanka attitude in Tamil
Nadu, Political pressure from India on 13th amendment, Influence of Tamil Diaspora, and
Channel 4 challenge. As per the primary data, 78% of the sample proved that there is an
impact of these global threats on the political security of Sri Lanka. As a country, Sri Lanka
should have an effective political strategy to overcome such global threats.