Religions establishment such as temples and monasteries in Sri Lanka could be recognized as
knowledge an information centers where manuscript are collected organized and
disseminated for the benefit of people. In these institutions the knowledge produces by the
nation. The collected and protected in the formed manuscripts.
Monastery libraries are common to all districts in the country. Among this district a Matara
district places a significant role in the collection and preservation of manuscript culture in Sri
The main objective of the research was to identify the ancient manuscript collection in the
temple libraries in Matara district. The other objectives were to identify the type of
manuscript available and the subject content in the manuscript. The method of research was
the survey method and data for the study was gathered from a selected sample of 16, temples
in a Matara district.
Primary data was collected using direct participation, interviews and observation. Further
secondary data was gathered through literature survey.
It was identified that these collection include Ola leaf as well as paper manuscripts. In
addition few text books, newspapers and periodicals were who found in these collections.
Further it was revealed that majority of temples in the sample had palm leaf manuscripts on
varies subjects such as Buddhism, history, indigenous medicine, astrology, astronomy.