PQR (Lanka) Limited is a company whose preliminary engagement is to
manufacture and sell Paints. It leverages its worldwide experience to deliver
products of International quality & assortment to the consumers with complete
range of decorative, wood finishes and industrial coatings. When considering
about the supply chain of the company, distributors play a vital role which
ultimately decide the reachability of products all around the country without
any exertion.
The rapid change of customer behaviors and innovative technologies led the
company to think differently and be wise in the situation where opportunities
can explore and execute. Therefore with considering those facts company has
been decided to go one step ahead from the manufacturing process on
conventional paints. So they introduced “Luxury Paints” as a new product range
for the company. Hence dealers need to be attracted to sell new product.
Company introduces “Gold Coin Awards” for distributors who achieved more
sales on “luxury paints” as a “promotional campaign”. This will be conducted in
subsequent financial year based on the performance of current financial year for
selected distributors.
Since “this is a present obligation and it is probable that an outflow of resources
embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation”, company
has been provided a monthly provision for this gold coin awards.