BACKGROUND: Disc degeneration is an important cause of low backache. The cartilage cells of the disc are important to maintain the structure and function of intervertebral discs. Lumbar arteries provide blood supply to lumbar discs. OBJECTIVE: To describe the association between cell density of fourth lumbar intervertebral disc and atherosclerotic changes of fourth lumbar artery openings. METHODS: Descriptive study was done on 4th lumbar intervertebral disc and 4lh lumbar arteries of
postmortem specimens. H&E sections were prepared on the annulus fibrosus of lumbar discs. Atherosclerotic changes of lumbar artery openings were studied. By using a graticule number of cells per 4mm" were counted in each disc specimen in ten low power fields and mean cell density was calculated. Cell density of less than three was categorized as low cell density. Atherosclerotic changes of lumbar arteries were graded into three groups according to severity. Grade 1 was the least severe and grade 3 was the most severe. The chi-square for trend was used to find the association between the atherosclerotic changes of lumbar arteries and the cell density. RESULTS: 31 postmortem specimens. Age range 21 - 96 years. Median age 43 years. There was a significant association (P = 0.005) between atherosclerotic changes of lumbar arteries and low cell density. OR for gradcl, grade 2 and grade 3 was I, 4.5 and 18 respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Atherosclerotic changes of lumbar arteries had a significant negative association with the cell density.
Oral Presentation Abstract (OP 27), 117th Anniversary Academic Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, 22nd-28th March 2004, The Colombo Plaza and Lionel Memorial Auditorium, Sri Lanka