The concept called job satisfaction is the most important concept in the industrial-organization psychology. The job satisfaction determines on workers’ evaluative, cognitive and behavioral factors. There are various jobs and proficiencies done by persons. All the jobs and proficiencies are varied depend on the person and the requirement of the work place. Among all form of jobs and proficiencies, education field is very important. The study carried out the psychological background of the non-academic staff in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. The study focused on finding of the job satisfaction of non-academic staff. Based on the simple random sampling method, 50 workers who worked in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in the year 2016 were selected as the sample. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with non-academic staff, observation, and questionnaires. Findings had revealed that most of the workers are satisfied with their jobs. Hence, workers had received adequate salary and do not receive overload duties. However, non-academic staff becomes a stress at the end of the semester and exam seasons. Workers showed symptoms of stress frequently in this season. Fatigue, irritable and headaches are the most common symptoms that could see among workers. After the exam season, workers become normal. The study recommended that support of counselors and relaxation programs and fun day programs are supportive and suitable for the exam end periods. The study concluded that most of non-academic staff’s mental well-being existed on successfulness of physical environment. However, workers had always satisfied with their jobs.