Solid waste management strategies of the developed nations created economic, social and environmental benefits which Sri Lanka is far behind to reach. Our approach was to recognize the opportunities of municipal solid waste and investigate the market landscape. Further, domestic market place showing positive demand on organic fertilizers due to the favorable policy and ideological changes and global price hikes of inorganic fertilizer. First, several user groups and producers of compost and other forms of organic fertilizers were identified. Composed producers were divided into two main stratums; government owned operations and private operations. Principal sample strategy used was stratified random sampling and respondent selected from each stratum using simple random method. Further, snow ball sampling technique was used to select the respondents from the household stratum due to the lack of proper sampling frame. Study has identified that some of the local government authorities were able to manage the process well with collaboration of their stakeholders while majority experienced the unsuccessful programs. Success stories were necessarily depend on the vision of the top management and the officers who handle the process as well as good inter-organizational relationships while others fail due to particular remuneration issues, poor performance management schemes, financing systems, rigid regulatory system and symmetric information.