dc.identifier.citation |
Fernando, W.K.B.D.S. and Pathirana, R.N.D. 2016. Stress free world through Ayurveda and Yoga. International Conference on Sanskrit Studies (ICSS), 04th November 2016, Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya. p 53. |
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dc.description.abstract |
The present global scenario is a pond of various non-communicable Diseases
(NCDs), crime and violence basically due to the life style changes and mental
stress. Ayurveda and Yoga, eternal sciences for healthy living deal with holistic
approach of physical, psychological, social and spiritual wellbeing and highly
emphasize is given to codes of conduct results in calmness of mind. The aim of
this study is to gather the information on various principles in Ayurveda and Yoga
in order to prevent stressful conditions among the people and critical analysis of its
applicability. The data is gathered from authentic text books, journal articles and
web sources.Medhya rasāyana, implementation of āchāra rasayana, Sadvritta
pālana, Dharaneeya vega, Concept of Pragnaparadha, Satvika food and all the eight
limbs of Ashtanga yoga; yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, Dharana,
Dhyana, Samadhi are help in personal transformation and in turn development of
the community. Ayurveda believes in the concept of āchara rasāyanaya or
behavioral rejuvenation for stress free life and longevity. Mental calmness and
improvement in memory can be brought by regular intake of medhya rasayana.
Constant practice of Yoga since childhood help in reduction of aggressive
behavior, improve adjustment and transform mental state positively. These ancient
teachings of Ayurveda and Yoga helps to alter the manasika prakriti and
pathophysiology of manas vikara and refrain the people from mental stress and
ultimately it leads to get away from psychosomatic disorders and offences.This
aspect of health promotion is very much important as it is economical, nonpharmacological,
devoid of adverse effects and eventually blessed the human
beings with health and longevity. |
en_US |