Sri Lankan woman population is in a growing trend, where women are highlighted in every
aspect in the society and the employment opportunities for the women also have been grown,
where women’s participation is encouraged in every operational aspect. The research is mainly
focused on analyzing the need and impact of education on the successful employment of
women. It has been investigated that the extent to which the education can influence the
employment capabilities of women. On The other hand the education of the country is also in a
path of development, where the people are given more opportunities in gaining education. The
study was conducted based mainly on data gathered through the house hold and social surveys
conducted by the Central bank of Sri Lanka and the Census & Statistics Department in Sri
Lanka. Further independent survey has been conducted with a random sample of 150 working
women, in order to gather more influential factors on their livelihood and this primary data is
collected through a survey questionnaire. Basically data analysis was carried out through the
statistical analysis, especially the technique of correlation has been used to distinguish the
relationship between the women employment and their education. Based on the data gathered
from the employed women, a strong positive correlation has been identified between the
successfulness of the career and the educational support. The final conclusion was that the
women’s literacy as well as their engagement in the labour force is also growing, and their voice
has also gained prominence. It can be said that they should successfully empowered and geared
through a proper and structured education.