As the popularity of the Internet grows, so does the potential for online learning. A great deal
of evidence exists which shows that no significant differences should be expected regarding the
effectiveness of well-designed online learning compared with well-designed in-person learning
(Clark, 1983). The advent of new technologies are providing educators with opportunities to
create a variety of effective learning environments, however, many adults students still prefer
traditional, academic settings. The purpose of this study is to analyze student barriers to the
online courses in the University. This research further aimed to understand which students will
face barriers when attempting to learn online, what are those barriers and ultimate aime is to
identify how we can help individuals in their learning? The main objective in this study is to
identify most effective barrier faced by undergraduate students when taking online courses
offered by university. Research sample unit based on infinite universe. It may be changing every
time. Therefore, researcher choose snowball sampling method. The purpose of collecting this
demographic data was to increase external validity for generalizability applications. According
to above research design the researcher has to get four objectives for this study. The
methodology applied in the four heading such as source of data. After that the researcher has
selected study samples and collected primary data under the observation method. Furthermore
researcher has identified independent and dependent variables. Finally analysis this data factor
lording method, a frequency by ANOVA. To gain a better understanding about online course
retention rates, participants were asked to respond to an item about their experience with online
education. Items were meant to distinguish groups of students by their experience with online
learning. By dividing research study participants into groups, the researcher was better able to
grasp the differences between perceived and actual barriers to online education.