The role of Siddha medicine is crucial due to its increasing acceptance by scientic medical
community. This change in trend is owing to the surge in complementary and alternative medical
research for obvious reasons of cost effectiveness, less side effects and easy availability. Among
the ancient Siddha formulations, Neerkovai Mathirai is one of the most famous medicine for
Peenisam (Sinusitis), Mooku Neerpaithal (Rhinitis) and headache due to cold, which is
mentioned in the ancient Siddha text, Vaidyathirattu. That is comprised of ten components such
as rhizome of Curcuma longa, Curcuma aromaticus and Zingiber officinale, resin of Styrax
tonkinensis, seeds of Piper nigrum, Trachyspermum copticum and Myristica frangrans, bud of
Syzygium aromaticum, exudate of Cinnamomum camphora, dehydrated borax and juice of
Citrus reticulate. It pacies the aggravated Pittam and Kapham in the sinuses. Along with Siddha
texts, the published journals and articles on pharmacognasy, phytochemical and clinical studies
on Neerkovai Mathirai were analyzed for this review to explore the pharmacological potential of
Neerkovai Mathirai. Neerkovai Mathirai have anti-inammatory and analgesic action and each
ingredient in the formulation has different pharmacological actions such as anti-septic, antibacterial,
anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-parasitic, anti-tumor and anti-oxidant. For this
pharmacological action, most of the ingredients of this medicine contain chemical substances
like Essential oil, Terpinen, Euginol and Cymene. Some of them possess Camphene, Myristicin,
Borenol, Linalool and Cinamic acid. According to Siddha pharmacology, all the ingredients of
Neerkovai Mathirai have Kaippu, Karpu Suvai, Veppa Veeriyam and Karpu Vipakam. These
organoleptic characters contribute to pacify the aggravated Pittam and Kapham.