English plays a vital role in the Sri Lankan society as a forcign and second
language which evcrybody needs but majority tries to avoid. The secret behind this
truth is the disappointment and the disinterest that an individual encounters due to the
lapses of interestcd teaching learning process. which motivatcs a learner. The
teachcr and the learner both must hold the responsibility equally. as Sri Lankans have
fcwer opportunities to acquire the language. Hence considcring the beginner. the
teaeher's careful manipulation is needed. as they arc much unconcern on learning
conditions and most parents in the non-English speaking background become
helpless. The purpose of this study is the provision of expected motivation and
interest in the beginners of schooling. to reduce the drop outs 111 the English
Language learning. First and foremost the necessary changcs were done to the
syllabi of the Key stagc I. Grades I and 1 by drawing interest for the beginner to
learn English. Similarly the new syllabus is also moving on activity basis; in contrast
the tcachcrs of English trained made occupied in teaching the syllabus. More over a
specific time was restricted daily to learn English. The new syllabus has becn
introduecd into four schools in thc Education Zone Wattegama. after training the
teachers of English to manipulate the new syllabus. The two Grades were kept under
observation while the teacher in charge of Gradc two. teach the immcdiate advanced
Gradc according to the old syllabus. An assessing criterion for each student was
maintaincd and markcd by the end of the tcnn, and in the end of the year it is being
passed to thc teacher of English of Grade 1. End of the two years the evaluation of
the student was carried out with both categories. The conclusion of thc study not
only depicts the essence of a teaching Icarning process to specialize the English
language for the beginner. but also highlighted the changes to the old syllabus. This
would also enables the respective authoritative personnel to implement the teaching
learning process of Gradcs I and 1. The hidden usage of each and every component
of the syllabus has been mentioned in order to support the necessary changes or
improve thc cxisting curriculum to ma+::e the child intcrcsted in English language