Sri Lanka is one of the developing countries with large number of rural students whom are not
properly utilized. Many of the students from urban areas are having enough opportunities and
qualifications to get a reasonable job. Now-a-days communication plays a major role in all
sectors. Most of the students are looking for a job than gaining higher education. Employers
give considerable value to graduates acquiring a diverse set of skills in different work
environment. The IT revolution and globalization of business have emerged as two major
factors to bring technical communication to the fore front of academia and industry. The rise
and widespread use of information communication technology in the whole world making the
global market and business becoming diverse and result-oriented, professionals and
technocrats. However there are many more new challenges in communication every day. To
be a successful technologist in this competitive environment one should not depend just only
on acquiring knowledge and skills, but also need to develop effective communication skills.
This paper aims to improve the communication skills of technological students of rural areas
and encourage them to improve their communication