The goal of this study is to identify the impact of organization culture on firm
performance in listed companies in Sri Lanka. Further we set apart the findings
relating to different industries and compared how firm performance changes in
manufacturing and service organization as culture differs. The purpose of this study
to know; how culture of an organization assists or hinders the organizational
performance. Return on Investment and earning per share was used to measure the
organizational performance.
Our main focus is on Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory and its role in increase
organizational performance. Structured questionnaire used, which consisted of four
parts of Hofstede’s culture dimensions (power distance, uncertainty avoidance,
individualism and masculinity) were employed. The samples was selected through
random stratified sampling at sample size of 50 with companies covering both service
and manufacturing industries in western region and survey data use from around 150
respondent which include both manager and employees.
Quantitative research approach was followed and adopted survey method in which a
questionnaire is used to collect the data. Regression and mean models used to test the
research hypothecs. The study variables consisted of both dependent variables and
independent variables, with organization culture being the independent variable and
performance as dependent variable. The findings revealed that culture has a strong
impact on company financial performance while uncertainty avoidance and power
distance clearly indicated major association with organizational culture