The internet is a network of global exchanges including private, public, business, academic and government networks and the internet is a collection of Computer networks connected to each other and share information interactively. At present, most of students in universities use Internet their educational information needs. However, as informed by literature, students face difficulties when they use Internet technology for information searching and retrieving particular information. This study used survey research method. This study selected 100 final year undergraduate from the Faculty of Management as a study sample. Quantitative data is collected through a structured Questionnaire while Qualitative data were collected through interviews. Secondary data was also used in this study. Collected data were analyzed by using MS Excel.This study found number of issues which are faced by undergraduates when they search and retrieve information in the internet. It way mainly idenify that students have lack of technical skills. It is recommended that more awareness programmes and hand on trainings should be arranged for the faculties identified