INTRODUCTION: Presence of calcification in the pancreas confirms the diagnosis of Chronic Pancreatitis. In the developing countries, a non alcoholic form referred to as Tropical Calcific Pancreatitis (TCP) is been increasingly recognized. An association has been suggested to malnutrition and cassava consumption. OBJECTIVES: To assess the aetiological factors and BMI of TCP patients. METHODS: On 28 TCP patients a detailed questionnaire was administered to collect the aetiological factors. Height and weight measurements were taken. The results were compared with 50 healthy controls and 22 Alcoholic Calcific Pancreatitis (ACP). RESULTS: The mean age of TCP patients and ACP was 34. 7 (SD 10) yrs and 43.7 (SD 8.9) yrs respectively. The percentage with monthly income less than Rs: 5000.00 was high in ACP (70%) compared to TCP (60%) which was similar to control group (58%). TI1e proportion of severe malnutrition {BM! <20) was comparable in TCP and ACP (72%) and was significantly higher (p<0.05) than control group (35%). Regularity of consumption of cassava for last 5 years was significantly (p<0.05) higher in ACP (35%) compared to 19% in TCP, and 4% in the control group. There was no difference in the consumption of red, green chilli, pepper, tea and coffee in the 3 groups. CONCLUSION: The above data indicate higher consumption of manioc by ACP than TCP. A long term study will assist in establishing the association of cassava consumption and malnutrition in Chronic Calcific Pancreatitis.
Free Papers Abstract, The Annual Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka and SAARC Surgical Care Society,13rd -17th August 2003 Kandy, Sri Lanka.