Citation:Jayalath, J.M.T.I., Chathumali, E.J.A.P.C., Kothalawala, K. R .M. and Kuruwitaarachchi, N. (2019). Green Cloud Computing: A Review on Adoption of Green-Computing attributes and Vendor Specific Implementations. IEEE International Research Conference on Smart computing & Systems Engineering (SCSE) 2019, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.P.158
With cloud computing emerging as a trending topic, it has been a major point of discussion for the last few years. In
regards to technological advancements, the associated shortcomings like environmental footprint caused by them also
become an affair of high significance. Cloud computing itself is a much greener alternative to individual data centers
with lesser number of servers being used and cloud data centers being far more efficient than those of traditional
thereby reducing the carbon impact. Nonetheless, it cannot be neglected the fact that the data centers utilized by the
cloud vendors are still a major source of carbon emissions due to the dirty energy usage. Therefore, the discussion of the
paper is based on how green the foremost cloud providers are and the implementations of green IT attributes in the
cloud infrastructure