Although a vast amount of researches have been done on the relations of job satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behaviours (OCB) in western or foreign context, there is a little empirical evidence in domestic context. Further, researchers argue that OCB can be diverse in different cultures. Thus, this study was conducted to identify the impact of job satisfaction on OCB in Sri Lankan context. Sample of the study was 70 managerial level employees in Hirdaramani Knit Apparel Wathurugama and Kiridiwela clusters and used personally administered questionnaire developed using standard measures. Multiple linear regression was used to test the developed hypotheses while percentage and graphs were employed for the purpose of descriptive analysis. The findings showed that job satisfaction significantly impact on OCB. Furthermore, the study examined the impact of dimensions of job satisfaction both extrinsic and intrinsic on OCB and revealed intrinsic job satisfaction explains more on OCB than extrinsic job satisfaction. Therefore, this study highlights the significant of maintaining employees’ job satisfaction and specially providing intrinsic motivational factors to enhance OCB