Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis) is a paintill condltvon and causes restricted movement 0
forearm which requires treatment for long period. The overall prevalence of Tennis Elbow is of I -
3%. The highest incidence is found in young age group and between 40 and 60 years of life. The
general causes of Tennis Elbow are overuse of forearm, minor trauma, non-recognized trauma and
weight lifting. On the basis of its signs and symptoms, Tennis Elbow can be correlated with
Snayugata Väta described in Ayurveda. A wide range of symptomatic treatments are available
such as anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs, steroid injections, exercises etc. which have their own
limitations and adverse effects. Ayurveda has an advocated various treatment modalities such as
Snéha, Upanäha, Agnikarma and Bandhana for Snayugata Väta. Amongst these, Agnikarma
seems to more effective in providing distinct and instant relief. A 40 years old female patient
was presented with shüla (severe pain), stambha (stiffness), restricted movements in lateral part
of right Karpura Sandhi (elbow joint) for 07 months. There was no obvious history of trauma. On
examination, it was elicited that the patient was unable to hold objects properly by the affected
hand and maximum tenderness was noticed at the lateral epichondylar region of humerus with no
obvious swelling noticed. After careful examination, patient was treated with Agnikarma without
any oral medication. Superficial multiple wounds produced by Agnikarma healed within 5-7 days.
Patient visited for follow up for I month after completion of treatment. Patient was advised not to
lift any heavy objects and perform any twisting movement for further 6 months. It was concluded
that Agni karma can be recommended as an effectiveness treatment for Tennis Elbow.