Many domains such as computer technology, science and technology and management have influenced the Sinhala language. Sinhala language has a very long tradition in lexicon building in various domains. Computer technology has become a significant domain due to its extensive use for various tasks in the modern world. The part played by computer technology in the evolution of language is noteworthy. The objective of this study is to examine whether the computer technology has affected Sinhala lexicon and ways it has affected. This is a less researched area and needs extensive studying since computer technology continues to be a field of paramount importance which influences not only Sinhala, but also many languages in the world. IT glossaries were referred to find out the technical terms related to computer technology. Moreover, fifty students were selected from the Faculty of Computing and Technology, University of Kelaniya and they were given twenty terms related to computer technology to write the term that is used. Accordingly, it was found out that computer technology has made a considerable impact to the Sinhala lexicon. Words related to computer technology have been added to Sinhala lexicon as loan words, loan blends and neologisms. From these three ways, loan words and loan blends have become more popular whereas neologisms could gain currency only to some extent.