Traditional medicine is the sum total of the knowledge, skills, and practices based On the
theories, beliefs, and experiences. Chronic/Acute inflammatory joint disease Amavata
(Rheumatoid Arthritis) is a disease that some medical systems are failed with treating. This
causes swelling, pain and stiffness ofjoints. As Ayurveda texts, it manifested in joints ofhasta,
pada. sira, trika, janu and uru. The main symptoms produced are Angamarda Aruchi,
Trishna, Gouravam, Apaka & Shotha. In traditional system the shothahara paththu is most
significantly used in ama vatha atha localy. As the Ingredients of paththu Thala,
Sathakuppa, Eranda seeds, Aralu, thhadun, and Siyabala leaves prominently it shows
Thiktha-Madhura rasa reading the property. And as to the descending order rasa
katu-Kashaya-Arnla rasa can be seen. lawana rasa was not found. According to the Guna
Property mostly Lagu-Ruksh-Thikshna guna were included and snigdha-Sara-Guru guna were
containing in very less amount. Regarding the Property of Veerya.lt contains 78% of Ushna
Veerya and 22% of Sheetha Veerya. Under the property of Vipaka 800/0 Of drugs in Katu
Vipaka , 200/0 madhura vipaka and 4% in Amla Vipaka.So the Amla Vipaka herbs may used
in very little. Therefore the shotha contributed by Madura Rasa Vipaka. Ushna Veerya, and
Vatha dosha will removed and thiktha Rasa, ushana veerya and kapha dosha became to
shaman state. It clearly shows in the traditional ama vatha shotha paththu reduce the shotha
condition by contributing shamana of Vata and kappa dosha very well