In Ayurveda, there are two methods Of chikithsa described classically in terms of Sanshodhana & sanshamana.The sanshodana (purification therapy) are Panchakarma procedures which (Vamana,Virechana, Basti, Nasya and Raktamokshana) have been applied in almost all diseases. Snehapana (Internal oleation) for purification or shamana. Internal oleation is done by administering small quantities of medicated Oil or ghee internally
Detailed study of available descriptions about drugs use in snehapana which used as purva and their pharmacological action study from various source Of Ayurveda and modern medical science. Primary data were collected from vruddatraya and secondary data collected from Lippincott'sillustrated reviews, review articles, scientific research on herbal, mineral using in senha pana therapy.
All the data about snehapana in the vruddatraya was read and enterd in to a table. Then categorized all the medicinal pans that recommended for snehanana in vruddatraya as rasa, veerya, vipaka, prabhava and number of fomulas included in vruddatraya. The most mentioned 10 plant materials for snehapana mentioned in vruddatraya were selected & categorized their Chemical constituents, Pharmacological actions & applicable diseases mentioned in vruddatraya. Then Lipids categorized according to their chemical composition.Then review of lipid's digesion & absorption according to modern view. Finally discussed the probable mode of action in sneha pana according to modern view.