Introduction – This study investigates the impact of Promotion Mix and Demographic Factors On Customer Buying Behavior On Life Insurance Policies in Galle District.
Design/Methodology - The study based on a quantitative approach used primary data for the simple linear regression model. Entire life insurance policy holders are considered for the population, where 100 of policy holders are used as sample for the study.
Findings - The promotion mix variables such as advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, direct selling has positive impact and demographic factors such as gender, age, level of education and monthly income has not impact to the customer buying behavior.
Conclusion – Based on the finding of this study promotion mix, life insurance companies in Sri Lankan Insurance industry should focus on the sales promotion, advertising, personal selling and direct selling of promotion mix. These four factors have significant relationship with customer purchase intention on life insurance services in Galle district and also demographic factors has not any relationship with customer purchase intention on life insurance services in Galle district.