Foreign Policy of a country can be defined as a set of principles, decisions and means, adopted and followed by a nation for securing goals. The foreign policy of a nation is formulated and implemented by its policy makers. Sri Lanka on the brink of new generation just after selecting the 7th executive president of the country in November 16th of 2019. Gotabaya Rajapaksha, the newly elected president of Sri Lanka has a major task as the head of policy maker in foreign policy. Looking at Sri Lanka’s situation right now main problem of the country is huge debt followed by Security problems. Main challenge of the newly elected president also will be to follow a balance foreign policy in order to solve above mentioned problems. Main research problem of this paper will be to identify how our political leaders have understood the important of using the foreign policy to solve upcoming issues. To achieve aforesaid objectives qualitative approach has been adopted and secondary data is the main type of data obtained from various such as manifesto and the paper publications and specially political speeches. Based on the findings of the study a SWOT analysis which discusses strengths to identify and improve, weaknesses to be rectified, opportunities on which Sri Lanka can solve their major concern with the help of foreign policy. The strength includes: location of the country, Natural resources and experienced Foreign Service unit. Weaknesses include how little interest toward our foreign policy by general public and the administrative, and lack of regional integration. Opportunities include strong bond with ASEAN and good relationship with India and China.