Peoples on mountains are living with disasters such as landslides,
hes, rainfall flash floods, earthquakes, snow fall flash floods and
glacial lake out flood events. With the phenomenon of climate change, the
frequency of such disaster events increases. Pakistan is most affected due
to climate change because of alarming s
ituation of glaciers depletion in
Hindu Kush, Karakorum and Himalayan (HKH) region. The HKH region
is the hot spot for climate effects. Pakistan is a country which not
contributes much release of greenhouse gasses that are the major cause of
global warming
and climate changes as compare to developed countries.
The climatic condition dramatically affects the land and economy in this
part of world due to heavy intensity of flood and cloud burst rainfall
events which cause of flash floods and landslides. The G
orashi lake which
is formed due to a landslide event is highly dangerous because there are
about eight glacial lakes in its catchments. If any of these lakes breaks,
water volume of Gorashi lake will be increased causing a landslide. The
water flow from Go
rashi lake causes heavy floods with landslide material.
This type of event can be disastrous for downstream villages such as
Ghandoos, Kharmang and Gambat Brok.
Using Geo
Informatics tools (GIS and Remote Sensing), the damaged
area, crops losses and Econ
omic losses are calculated and post disaster
damages can be assessed. Safe locations for affectees are also be
suggested thus minimizing the losses.