There is a huge gap between market-orientated information generation, dissemination, and responsiveness to the customer of SMEs in developing countries. Developed countries massively use digital marketing to minimize the gap. There is an issue with the impact level of digital marketing adaptation and Digital Marketing Orientation (DMO), especially for SMEs in developing countries who are operated in a highly competitive international market. This paper aims to explore the impact level of the DMO of SME exporters to increase the business performance in the competitive international market settings. The methodology for this study was literature reviewed. The content analysis was used to review the studies in E-Marketing /DMO in SMEs. Findings revealed that the DMO of developing countries is still in the embryonic stage. To get the maximum opportunities, SMEs should incorporate DMO with Export market-orientated behavior and Export entrepreneurship orientation. This paper contributes the concept, knowledge, and theories to future researchers to investigate further. Practitioners, policymakers, or digital marketing service providers can increase digital marketing/emarketing to increase business performance.