The Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) that encompases the diversity of recreation experience will help improve the satisfaction of recreationists. This study clarifies the present situation of the Pilikuththuwa cave mountain using the Water and Land Recreation Opprtunity Spectrum (WALROS) approach as an attempt to identify the diversified recreation destinations around the capital of Sri Lanka. The study has a key objective and three specific objectives, namely, to develop the map of the current Water and Land Recreation Opportunity Spectrum with regard to Pilikuthtuwa cave forest (PCF) to identify the existing recreation activities in the area and to pick out recreation experiences that can be gained by Pilikuthtuwa cave forest recreationists and to categorize Recreation Opportunity Classes within the area. The study employs qualitative research approach. Land area that has geographically unique phenomena was considered as a research unit and eleven such units were selected within the study area of 483830.108 m2 in extent. Those eleven units were systematically examined to understand the WALROS classes with the association of well-trained five research assistants on WALROS criteria. Current recreation users, area residents, chief monk of the temple in the area, officials of archaeological department and representatives of interest groups, were interviewed. In additions observations were made to understand the existing recreation activities. 11-point WALROS inventory scale was used in scaling the data and mainly GPS software was used to present and analysis the data. Out of six WALROS classes, four classes and ten existing recreation activities was identified spread over those classes. Nine, seven and eight activities were identified respectively in Rural Developed, Rural Natural and in Semi-primitive and Primitive areas. In this study the concept of WALROS was used only as a mapping tool. Based on the findings of the study it could be concluded that the Pilikuththuwa cave mountain area provides diversified recreational experiences ranging from rural developed to primitive settings.