Keyword-based advertising is vital in online advertising as it is a significant technique that extends the
business horizons. This technique helps to advertise in a timely and accurate manner by eliciting
information about what potential consumers are interested in. However, keyword advertising is still in its
development stage and many advertisers fail to use this effectively due to lack of experience and
unawareness of related tools. This reduces the economic benefit advertisers can derive from this advertising
channel. Thus, market research is seen as the most vital component on which the decisions should be based
for effective keyword advertising. The research of this study consists of personal interviews, offline and
online surveys and background reading. These techniques helped the author to come up with the best
effective solution which fits the real need of keyword advertisers. The Unified Software Development
Process (USDP) methodology is been used in this research as it is more beneficial and easy to capture and
elicit requirements.The project uncovered that search advertisers should engage with search advertising
related tools and cost effective, in developing online presence particularly focusing on how those tools
facilitates technology towards achieving advertising objectives. The author’s project concept was based on
a web based keyword advertising support tool which provides precise information for effective keywordbased
advertising. The objective of this research is to support keyword advertisers to be effective and
efficient in their advertising campaigns by providing the advertisers with past and present information
relating to competitor keyword advertising and projecting information with a view of enhancing search
advertising strategy and then to expand the presence n the online market.