countries has increased the country productivity (Central Bank of Sri Lanka, 2003).
However it has some negative impact also, such as increasing health related problems and
road accidents. In Sri Lanka also the usage of mobile phones has been increased by
considerable number of units. At present there are an estimated number of two million
subscribers handled by 75 operators (World IT report, 2003; Chanuka Wattegama, 2005).
Developed countries like Japan, UK and USA use mobile phones not only for
communication but also for day to day activities. In Japan, 75 percent of the most popular
mobile phone holders use this facility mainly for the entertainment purposes (Ohkita,
2005). Accordingly, MPs are used to watch football matches, listen music and take
photographs etc. These facts suggest that efficiency and effectiveness of the people
particularly in their communication has been increased by the use of MPs.
This study investigates whether the MPs have supported the private and public sectors in
Sri Lanka to improve their productivity. Further investigations were made under this
study to identify the other problems (health and road accidents) related to the usage of
MPs. This study based on a regression analysis between usage of MPs and the
productivity of the sectors such as banks and finance, stock market and the corporate
sectors. The usage of mobile phones was identified as the independent variable and the
productivity was considered as the dependent variable.
In conclusion, there is a positive relationship between the usage of mobile phones and the
productivity of Sri Lanka. Results show that co-efficient of determination (r2) is 0.72.
Stock market activities depend on 90% by use of the MP’s information. 75% of the
management level employees use their MPs mostly for urgent messages. The insurance
companies are highly using their MPs, about 95%, for increasing their services. Bank
executives have increased their productivity by 55% through the use of MPs. The study
found no evidence, so far to presence that it has caused health problems in Sri Lanka.
However, using MPs while driving has significantly increased road accidents.