OBJECTIVE: Genetic factors play a role in the aetiology of epilepsies. This study was designed to evaluate the family history of epilepsy in the first degree relatives of probands with epilepsy. METHODS: A sample of 434 patients with epilepsy attending the Neurology Clinics of the North Colombo Teaching Hospital was interviewed by two medical officers using a standard questionnaire during a period of three months starting August 2004. Type, and cause of epilepsy, and whether or not any of their family members had seizures were recorded. RESULTS: Of the 434 patients 237 were females and 198 were males. The mean age was 28 years (SD 14). 404 patients (93.7%) had idiopathic epilepsy. 57 (13%) patients had a family history of epilepsy and their mean age of onset was 15.9 years (SD 11.7). Of them 56 were having idiopathic epilepsy. First degree relatives affected were arents~30, siblings-25 and offspring-1. Seventeen probands gave a history of consanguinity in the parents and of the ones with a family history of epilepsy only one proband had parental consanguinity. Five patients had more than one family member affected. CONCLUSIONS: A family history of 13% is significantly high when compared with normal population figures of around 5 to 8 per 1000. This provides strong evidence that in our population also genetic factors play an important part in the aetiology of epilepsy.
Poster Presentation Abstract (PP2), 118th Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, 2005 Colombo, Sri Lanka