Brand influencers are the new PR gimmick for celebrity endorsements. Influencers are people who
promote the brand on social media ie Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, google plus etc. They
unfortunately are not able to drive the behavior beyond a social chatter. The impact is short lived and
the goal is to create a buzz. Influencers are rewarded by the company.
True advocates are available on social media but are driven by passions. They have audience and
advocacy. They are less committed to the company and products and more committed to helping
people. Advocates in fact are nothing but highly satisfied customers. They do not need any
incentives and are widely accepted over blogs and other online forums.
The paper establishes the influences of both on a chosen demographic segment, and tries to
differentiate between brand ambassadors and influencers. It tries to ascertain the supremacy of brand
advocates over brand influencers.