Internet enabled everyone to be connected all the time. This connectivity transformed the buying
behavior of common man significantly. This paper discusses how digital media marketing, Viral and
mobile marketing influence the business behavior and global economics by focusing on Sri Lankan
market. By using the Sampling technique it was made as observational research. Digital marketing is
vitally important for Small and Median scale Enterprises (SMEs) as it provides the opportunity to
establish significantly more engaged communication channels with consumers for a significantly
reduced budget. At the same time, digital marketing provides significant measurement and analysi s
of consumer behavior and engagement. The influence of digital media encouraged the organizations
to think about viral marketing and mobile marketing. Organizations use viral marketing as a tool to
make the promotions with low cost through digital medium. Even though the mobile marketing
began with earlier technologies, the latest mobile applications allowed the companies to redefine the
mobile marketing as effective advertisements. These Digital Marketing is now leading to BIG
DATA processing in the organizations. In general the business trend is going behind the digital
media platform rather than the traditional marketing methods. This paper will express the Importance
of Digital Marketing and Big Data processing in the SME’s in Sri Lankan context.