Consumer behaviour researchers and scholars throughout the past three
decades have given much prominence to the green consumerism related
studies due to its significance in the contemporary business world.
According to the World Bank statistics the global warming, CO2
emissions and deforestation has become debatable issues. Thus the
recent consumer research has focused increasing attention on the
sustainable and the ethical consumption. Literature on green buying
behaviour has given less attention on researching the characteristics of
the green consumers and more prominence has been given on analysing
the impact of green marketing elements on the consumer purchasing
behaviour. Majority of the green literature has adopted Theory of
Planned Behaviour to explain the green buying decisions of the
consumers. Literature shows that the predictive ability of the purchasing
intention of green products would be enhanced if background factors
such as personality traits used. Further, scholars have pointed out that
personality traits have a significant influence on the environmental
behaviour. Thus, personality traits would have a positive influence on the
purchasing intention of the green product.