Many obligations at work and at home result in both negative (work-family conflict) and positive (work-family enrichment) spillover, which influence the effectiveness of people in both their lives at work and home. This has led to expanding research into the relationship between work and family. The outcomes of the two components of work-family relationships, work-family enrichment and work-family conflict, vary. This study examined the combined impact of work-family conflict and enrichment on intention to leave among state bank employees in Sri Lanka's Sabaragamuwa Province. Using self-administered surveys, the enrichment and conflict of work-family relationships were measured. The research used a single data source and a cross-sectional design. The data from 250 valid surveys were collected using a simple random sample technique. The hypotheses were examined using Pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. The findings from the research indicate that a simultaneous experience of less work-family conflict and more enriching experiences at work will provide tremendous benefits and long-term benefits to organizations. The implications of these results for theory and practice are also discussed. As a result, it is proposed that management should pay special attention to enhancing work-family enrichment since this appears to be linked to decreased turnover intention. By examining the connection between work-family enrichment and results that are relevant to the workplace, this study adds to the body of work-family literature.